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【総合広告代理店/グローバル】Account Director/Supervisor【外資系クライアント担当】

年収:800万 ~ 1200万


部署・役職名 【総合広告代理店/グローバル】Account Director/Supervisor【外資系クライアント担当】
仕事内容 Position
Account Director/Supervisor

Scope of role
The account person is responsible for the day-to-day management of global brand company, working on brand marketing communication as a brand agency such as Brand Communication Strategy, Brand ads film/TVC, social management, digital comms and other activations.

The Account person plays an important role in attaining the following:
 1. Build a strong relationship with the client brand team, marketing directors/project managers and all key stakeholders to deliver solutions for their business and branding opportunities.
 2. Quality control and project management of all creative work that assigned to the agency.
 3. Manage strategy and creative development process

Key aspects of the role
1. Management and development of day to day and key client relationships
2. Partnering and managing teams to develop the brand strategies for the brand and produce creative assets, plus exploring opportunities for other scopes.
3. Quality control and improvement of the output of the group in the creation of brand strategy and creative output that reflects local consumer insights.
4. Understanding the recommendations are grounded in consumer insights and that these insights should lead to communications recommendations, not just traditional media plans.
労働条件 勤務時間:コアタイム無しのフレックス制 / 裁量労働制

雇用形態:正社員 ※基本的に正社員での採用を前提としていますが、選考時の評価次第で契約社員での採用になる可能性もあります。

想定年収  :現年収・希望年収を考慮してオファーいたします
賞与    :会社業績/個人業績に応じて年1回6月に支給
昇給    :年1回8月に昇給可能性あり

試用期間あり 試用期間3ヶ月


Key Skills
1. Ability to work through strategy perspective based on global account method.
2. Ability of leading and overseeing several projects at one time.
3. Ability to provide a holistic point of view across all media touchpoints.
4. Ability to manage tight timelines, but also to be able to know when to push back if requests are simply not achievable
5. Be confident to present at large meetings/conferences in an articulate and clear manner.
6. Effective ownership of the relationships with day to day and senior clients and other agencies.
7. Effective management of creative & strategy team.
8. Business poise and earns confidence of external and internal stakeholders.
9. Good English proficiency, written, verbal, and comprehension

10. Creative minded.

Key Responsibilities
1. Client relationship management
 ・ Day to day account management leadership of the global accounts.
 ・ Be regarded as the Account Director or Supervisor for all of the brand marketing activities including strategy/creative/media requirements. .

2. Strategic creative development
 ・ Involvement in development of insights & creative communications solutions.
 ・ Basic knowledge of qualitative and quantitative research to manage the process of the brand proposition, creative development, post-campaign tracking study, U&A study
 ・ Contribution and leadership of planning workshops & ideas generation sessions.

3. Account and Project leadership and management
 ・ Lead the implementational strategy and creative development process.
 ・ Day to day management of all partners/vendors to ensure the brief is delivered within appropriate criteria (budget, timeline).
 ・ Motivate Account team to create innovative and accurate plans based on agreed strategic direction.
 ・ Supervision of the collation of competitive data in agreed formats required.

4. Drive Productivity
 ・ Maximize productivity by effectively managing workload and client expectations
 ・ Manage timelines to ensure plans and reporting requirements are delivered on time.

5. Managing your team and the specialist relationships
 ・ Internal
  - Report to Senior Account Director who leads account team
  - Managing your direct reports, Account Executives or other Account person, and clear and accurate briefing of them.
 ・ External
  - Build effective working relationships with production companies and casting agencies. media companies etc.

6. Protecting our high standards
 ・ Ensure that any work that leaves the agency is of the highest standard
 ・ Be part of producing ideas that inspire, motivate, engage, and create commercial action
 ・ Be part of producing award-winning work

7. Integration
 ・ Think like a solutions provider
 ・ Ensure you encourage the use of other agency services

Experience required
 ・ University degree, 5+ years of marketing industry experience, creative development and project management, team management.
 ・ Good understanding of creative production fundamentals and strategic planning skills, knowledge of media platforms.
 ・ Strong client-facing communication and presentation skills




「就業場所が屋外である」、「就業場所によって対策内容が異なる」、「対策内容は採用時までに通知する」 などの場合がその他となります。面接時に詳しい内容をご確認ください
更新日 2024/03/28
求人番号 3409590



  • 3.42
  • ヘッドハンターの氏名は会員のみ表示されます
  • 会社名は会員のみ表示されます

    • 東京都
    • 早稲田大学理工学部
  • コンサルティング IT・インターネット
    • ウィル・グロー代表の高柳です。IT/Web系やコンサル系の企業に決まりが多く、エンジニアやデジタルマーケティング系職種には特に強いです。その他、特命案件やクローズドの案件も多数ありまして、登録しきれていませんが、大手事業会社、優良ベンチャーなどございます。
    • (2020/07/06)

