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Software Engineer - MLOps - 半導体総合メーカー

年収:800万 ~ 1300万



ルネサス エレクトロニクス株式会社

部署・役職名 Software Engineer - MLOps - 半導体総合メーカー
仕事内容 ◆Responsibilities
• Design the AI/ML pipelines and engineering infrastructure to support internal and external machine learning systems at scale
• Develop and deploy scalable tools and services to handle machine learning training and inference
• Identify and evaluate new technologies to improve performance, maintainability, and reliability of machine learning systems
• Apply software engineering rigor and best practices to machine learning, including CI/CD, automation, etc.
• Support model development, with an emphasis on auditability, versioning, and data security
• Facilitate the development and deployment of proof-of-concept machine learning systems
• Communicate with clients to build requirements and track progress

In this role, you will be part of the AI & Cloud Engineering (ACE) Division and MLOps team.
We are developing a comprehensive AI strategy that delivers a highly flexible platform to explore new Deep Learning / Machine Learning model architectures, combined with auto-tuned high performance for production environments across a wide range of hardware architectures. The platform can improve performance, developer efficiency & deployment velocity of both AI training and inference.

As an MLOps team member, you will develop the best-in-class software toolchain for AI software & hardware to support internal and external customers, which serves as the backbone of all products in our division.
You will work closely with AI engineers to build innovative software tools to power the entire AI development lifecycle from developing and analyzing AI models to testing and loading the models on the hardware. You will then integrate the tools into a software platform delivered to our customers. You will apply software development best practices to design features, improve performance and deliver software. You will gain valuable experience in developing commercial grade MLOps products and will help in driving next generation hardware software co-design for AI domain specific problems.
労働条件 契約期間:期間の定めなし



• Over 3 year of related work experience
• Experience building end-to-end systems as a Platform Engineer, ML DevOps Engineer, or Data Engineer (or equivalent)
• Experience in C/C++, Python, or other related programming language
• Experience developing and maintaining ML systems built with open source tools
• Familiarity with one or more data-oriented workflow orchestration frameworks (KubeFlow, Airflow, Argo, etc.)
• Experience working with machine learning frameworks such as PyTorch, TensorFlow, ONNX etc.


• Bachelor’s or Master's degree in computer science, machine learning, mathematics, physics, electrical engineering or related field
• Strong software engineering skills in complex, multi-language systems
• Experience working with cloud computing and database systems
• Experience building custom integrations between cloud-based systems using APIs
• Experience developing with containers and Kubernetes in cloud computing environments
• Understanding of software testing, benchmarking, and continuous integration
• Understanding of System-on-Chip
• Ability to speak and write in English at a business level

アピールポイント 自社サービス・製品あり 日系グローバル企業 上場企業 従業員数1000人以上 シェアトップクラス 年間休日120日以上 産休・育休取得実績あり 教育・研修制度充実 女性管理職実績あり 新規事業 マネジメント業務なし 完全土日休み フレックスタイム



更新日 2024/03/26
求人番号 3392127


  • ルネサス エレクトロニクス株式会社



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