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  4.  > 【東京/品川】Interactive Surfaces
  5.  >  Display Touch Screens
  6.  >  System
  7.  >  Product Technical Leader (System TPM)(ヴァレオジャパン/CDA/CIX/REQ2023029283/4◎)



【東京/品川】Interactive Surfaces, Display Touch Screens, System, Product Technical Leader (System TPM)(ヴァレオジャパン/CDA/CIX/REQ2023029283/4◎)





  • 東京都

    • 会社規模501-5000人
  • 自動車・自動車部品
部署・役職名 【東京/品川】Interactive Surfaces, Display Touch Screens, System, Product Technical Leader (System TPM)(ヴァレオジャパン/CDA/CIX/REQ2023029283/4◎)
仕事内容 ■職務内容/Job duties
The System Technical Project Manager (TPM) has a double role:
As main technical referent of the project, he/she supports the System PM in the scheduling, risk management and problem resolution activities of the System Project and ensures that the delivered system fulfils the R&D related customer requirements and expectations. He/she also leads the system sub-project and is accountable for its deliverables in terms of QCT and manages the team working on it. The System TPM reports to the Project Manager

【Highlight the main responsibilities】
- Proposes, aligns and maintain the technical scenario of the project :
- the technical scenario consists in :
- 1/ A planning integrating all system deliveries planned and interaction planned between the System ,Software, Mechatronic and System Validation sub projects
- 2/ The system deliveries plan (System Release Plan) listing the content of each planned delivery, in terms of mechatronic product sample phase, functional content and validation level.
- It is initialised to support the acquisition by the acquisition team, and is their basis for all cost estimations. After awards, before the kick off review, the technical scenario must be reviewed to fully reflect award conditions : this is done by the PACT workshop, moderated by System PM, where the System TPM acts as technical referent. For less complex projects, this task is performed without a full PACT workshop but the system TPM always brings the necessary technical support to System PM during alignment with SW TPM, Mechatronic PM and System Validation TPM, as well as relevant project-external Actors such as P2 Contributors. The system TPM updates then weekly the corresponding documents, in accordance with outputs of the reviews done by weekly steering committee chaired by System PM, in which he acts as technical referent.
- Leads the Releases Definition Boards for the detailed definition of the content for each System Release, at the beginning of each System Release development cycle.
- Defines, tracks and drives countermeasures for technical issues (including risk mitigation actions) involving several sub-projects delegated to him by System PM, in his role of technical referent :
- Ensures the activities related to Problem Resolution Management such as Problem Identification and Logging, Root Cause Analysis until Implementation, Verification/Validation and Closure, using established and proven problem resolution methods (e.g. 5W, Six-Sigma, Fishbone …)
- Play a central role in the timely implementation of root cause analysis and accompany the solution process with the appropriate interface partners.
- Reviews the problem resolution process in order to prevent recurrence and learn any lessons for the future (update Lesson Learnt Card, i.e Valeo Incident Management Tool - VIM). Furthermore, he/she shall verify whether Problems marked as closed have actually been eliminated.
- Prepares the regular reporting associated to the Main Technical Referent Role :
- Traceability between all Specifications/Use case to System Test cases across the V Cycle
- Overall System performance in vehicle vs planned system performance out of System Release Plan
- System Sub-project Leader Responsibilities :
- Defines set up for the System sub project,
- Assigns the role of Lead System Architect and the Function owner roles (complete project coverage needed) to System Engineers in the sub-project team or to other members in associated platforms or projects.
- Assign the Project Functional Safety Manager (PFSM) role to a Safety Engineer if project is safety relevant
- Is accountable for Supplier Management Process (in case of Supplier(s) in the project) and appoint the role of Sys&SW Supplier Manager
- Defines the right set up for application data management, configuration management in the project
- Uses delegation to his team members on any topic needing it to be handled properly
- Performs weekly System sub-project steering meetings to plan and review progress on o tasks within System sub-project needed to achieve the next system deliveries, and collect and monitor the action list for each delivery
- Assure assignment and scheduling of needed resources in his team to generate and review technically all deliverables expected from the system sub-projects including :
- Compliance Matrix [CMx], Configuration Management Plan (Baselining Strategy, Config Management Items), Architecture & Function Hierarchy definition, SFMEA, SyRS ( function specification), Application data baselines .
- Drives change request management activities related to system sub-project
- Plan System DRs and TRs reviews according to System Discipline recommendations
- Reports regularly on :
- Tracking of progress of System sub project deliverables for next System Releases
- Sub-Project System cost spending & forecast vs Budget
- Contribute to Project Handbook System Development section
- Ensures that working environment and tools of his/her team are set up correctly in alignment with the project, ensure tool qualification
⦁- Cooperates with all Lead functions and Disciplines as well as the Process Engineer to work on continuous process improvement activities and activities securing ASPICE level compliance, like if needed process tailoring.tronics.

- Assign tasks to SYS Project Team
- Manage the System release plan supporting Sys PM Schedule
- Rate Overall System CCB
- Advise the System PM on the decision to approve product deliveries to the customer
- Synchronise between Different Functions to enforce corrective actions when needed
- Escalate at the right level
- Submit Project tailoring request

- Demonstrator and Working products
- Schedules
- Reports, Analysis, Synthesis, Communication tools
- Customer matrix and presentations

【Detailed scheduling and budgeting】
- Contribute to the identification of the needs in terms of resources, equipments, investments
- Establish a detailed breakdown of the activities to meet the milestones. (Schedule and Workload)
- Follow activities and spending to meet his allowed budget

【Management of the contributors】
- Daily management of all R&D contributors, dedicated or not
- Assign to them the work packages needed and check the completeness of the deliverables
- Regular review with the Disciplines Department Manager to check alignment between needs and availabilities
労働条件 【勤務時間】
所定労働時間/日: 8時間 休憩 60分
コアタイム なし、


試用期間: 3カ月


3か月勤務後 3日付与(3か月後3日、7カ月後10日、1年後から毎年20日付与





Engineering school
General or specialised to his Discipline

- Minimum 5 years required in automotive industry related to Display or Interior radar
- Experience with development for mass production of DMS or interior radar could be useful
- Experience within team management
- Experience as leader for large and complex projects

Persons who have the following design experiences
- Understanding of aSI/IGZO/LTPS/OLED technology
- understanding of Backlight assembly
- understanding of display performance ( brightness, contrast , colorimetry)
- understanding of display drivers electronics.
(Optical background is a plus.)


Persons who have the following design experiences
- Internal / external radar system architecture design (MUST)
- Machine learning application design (MUST)
- Electrical parts design (WANT)
- Software design (WANT)
- The experiences of requirements analysis (MUST)
- The experiences of Automotive products development (MUST)
- Negotiation skills to handle Customer demands and requirement (MUST)

アピールポイント 自社サービス・製品あり 外資系企業 従業員数1000人以上 教育・研修制度充実 女性管理職実績あり シェアトップクラス 年間休日120日以上 産休・育休取得実績あり 創立30年以上


「就業場所が屋外である」、「就業場所によって対策内容が異なる」、「対策内容は採用時までに通知する」 などの場合がその他となります。面接時に詳しい内容をご確認ください
更新日 2024/06/25
求人番号 3289219


  • 株式会社ヴァレオジャパン
  • 東京都

    • 会社規模501-5000人
  • 自動車・自動車部品
  • 会社概要

    ヴァレオジャパン 会社紹介

    フランス・パリに本社を置く、自動車部品のグローバルサプライヤー ヴァレオ社の日本法人です。世界33か国にビジネス展開しています。


    ヴァレオは 2050 年までにカーボンニュートラルを達成することにコミットし、2030 年までに目標の 45%を実現する予定です。 2030 年までに、ヴァレオの CO2排出量は、サプライヤーの排出量、自社の事業活動、製品の最終用途を含め、バリューチェーン全体で 2019 年と比較して 45%減少する予定です。 2050 年までに、ヴァレオは自社のすべての事業活動と世界中のサプライチェーン全体でカーボンニュートラルを達成し、ヨーロッパでは 100%カーボンニュートラル(製品の最終用途を含む)になります。

    テクノロジー企業であり、すべての自動車メーカーとニューモビリティプレーヤーのパートナーであるヴァレオは、モビリティ をよりクリーンで、より安全で、よりスマートにするためにたゆまずイノベーションを行っています。 ヴァレオは、低電圧、高電圧と、電動サーマルソリューションの 3 つの専門分野を組み合わせた電動化の 加速、ADAS(先進運転支援技術)の加速、より安全で、より没入型で、より接続された運転体験への乗客の要求を満たすインテリア・エクスペリエンスの再創出と、ブランドのスタイルとアイデンティティを主張し、車とその周囲とのコミュニケーションを改善し、車内の快適性を高めるライティングエブリウェアの推進において、技術的・工業的分野の世界的なリーダ ーです。 モビリティの変革に不可欠なこれらの 4 分野は、今後数年間のグループの成長を推進します。これらの技術革新をより強化していくために、これまで以上の人材資源の投資にも力を入れていきます。

    2021 年、グループは 173 億ユーロの売上を記録し、OEM 売上の 12%を研究開発に投資しました。 2021 年 12 月 31 日現在、ヴァレオは 184 カ所の工場、21 カ所の研究センター、43 カ 所の開発センター、16 カ所の流通プラットフォームを構え、世界 31 か国で 103,300 人の従業員を擁しています。

    空調システム、コンプレッサ、フロントエンドモジュール、ラジエータ、 スイッチ、内装部品、センサー、運転・駐車支援システム、 ワイパー、ランプ、スタータ、オルタネータなど



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