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  4.  > D2C Technical Operations Manager



D2C Technical Operations Manager

年収:800万 ~ 1200万





  • 東京都

    • 会社規模501-5000人
  • 日用品
  • 化粧品
部署・役職名 D2C Technical Operations Manager
仕事内容 The D2C Technical Operations Manager plays a pivotal role in enhancing our e-commerce presence,
focusing on optimizing our D2C E-Flagship websites. This key position bridges technical expertise with
operational excellence, ensuring our digital platforms perform at their peak.
1. Website Vital Optimization:
- Strategically manage technical SEO initiatives to boost search engine rankings, driving more
qualified traffic and enhancing potential revenue streams.
- Optimize site speed to exceed user expectations and reduce bounce rates, contributing to higher
engagement and increased sales conversions.
- Advance tagging strategies for precise website tracking and analytics, enabling more effective targeting
in marketing campaigns and a higher return on ad spend.
2. Operational Efficiency and Performance Management:
- Monitor and improve operational efficiency and performance in daily issue management,
including identification and escalation of operational problems and bugs to the IT department.
- Facilitate efficient ticketing and communication processes for technical issues, ensuring they are
addressed by IT in a timely and effective manner.
- Collaborate with cross-functional teams to ensure consistency and effective communication between IT,
marketing, CRM, and customer service.
3. Analytics and Reporting:
- Produce regular reports on website performance, providing analysis based on KPIs.
- Develop and execute strategies for site improvements using a data-driven approach.
4. Technical Leadership within the Team:
- Serve as the technical lead within the team, providing expertise in understanding and managing
the system end-to-end.
- Bridge the gap between technical capabilities and business requirements, ensuring that solutions are
both technically sound and aligned with business objectives.
- Foster collaboration and knowledge sharing within the team to promote a deeper understanding of
technical processes and business needs.


1. Technical Expertise:
- Deep knowledge and experience in advanced SEO optimization, website management,
and related technologies inluding inspecting HTML/CSS/Javascript code.
- Practical skills in improving website performance and user experience.
2. Operational Management Skills:
- Ability to efficiently manage and resolve complex operational challenges.
- Competence in quickly identifying and resolving technical issues in close cooperation with
the IT department.
3. Analytical Abilities:
- Capacity to make data-driven decisions and derive strategic improvements through quantitative analysis.
- Understanding and utilization of KPIs and performance metrics.
4. Communication and Collaboration Skills:
- Effective communication and collaboration within cross-functional teams.
- Excellent coordination skills to bridge the gap between business requirements and technical feasibility.
- Native-level proficiency in Japanese. Business-level or higher proficiency in English.
5. Leadership and Influence:
- Ability to exert influence within the team using technical expertise.
- Leadership in promoting knowledge sharing within the team to deepen technical understanding.
6. Business Acumen and Revenue Growth Focus:
- Strong business acumen with a relentless drive to understand and contribute to the bottom line.
- Commitment to leveraging technical and operational expertise to drive revenue growth and
business success.


1. Industry Experience:
- E-commerce or digital marketing sector experience in consumer goods industry.
- Familiarity with operating in a digital-focused business environment.
- Experience working in a global corporate environment, demonstrating an understanding of diverse
business cultures and practices.
2. Project Management Skills:
- Ability to manage multiple tasks or projects effectively.
- Experience in organizing and prioritizing project timelines.
3. Technical Certifications:
- Certifications in SEO, web analytics, database management, or other relevant technical areas.
- Salesforce Commerce Cloud skills are plus.
4. Leadership Experience:
- Experience in leading teams or managing projects, even in an informal capacity.
- Proven ability to drive change and innovation within an organization.
5. Innovative Mindset:
- A proactive approach towards developing innovative solutions.
- Keen awareness of industry trends and technological advancements.

アピールポイント 自社サービス・製品あり 外資系企業 女性管理職実績あり 従業員数1000人以上 創立30年以上 産休・育休取得実績あり 教育・研修制度充実 シェアトップクラス 年間休日120日以上 フレックスタイム


更新日 2024/04/16
求人番号 3242683


  • 日本ロレアル株式会社
  • 東京都

    • 会社規模501-5000人
  • 日用品
  • 化粧品
  • 会社概要

    【代表者】代表取締役社長 ジャン-ピエール・シャリトン
    【本社所在地】東京都新宿区西新宿3-7-1 新宿パークタワー (16階)




    ロレアル リュクス事業本部
    「ランコム」「ヘレナ ルビンスタイン」「ジョルジオ アルマーニ ビューティー」「シュウ ウエムラ」「キールズ」「イヴ・サンローラン・ボーテ」や「ラルフ ローレン」「ディーゼル」などのフレグランス製品の輸入、製造、販売を行う。

    「ロレアル パリ」「メイベリン ニューヨーク」を扱い、量販店、化粧品店、バラエティストア等で販売される化粧品、ヘアケア製品の輸入、製造、販売を行う。

    プロフェッショナル プロダクツ事業本部
    「ロレアル プロフェッショナル」「アレクサンドル ドゥ パリ」「ケラスターゼ」「アトリエメイド by シュウ ウエムラ」を展開し、サロン向け業務用製品とサロンでの販売製品の輸入、製造、販売を行う。

    皮膚科医に採用されている皮膚科治療の補助用化粧品ブランド「ラ ロッシュ ポゼ」を扱う。

