部署・役職名 | Medical Science Liaison, Neurology |
職種 | |
業種 | |
勤務地 | |
仕事内容 |
Objectives: The Medical Science Liaisons (MSL) will work cross functionally with several internal stakeholders such as Medical Therapeutic Area Lead, Medical Manager, Medical Advisor, Scientific Advisor and other MSL of the team, Medical Information team, Pharmacovigillance and Drug Safety Evaluation teams, The Brand Manager and Brand Team members to ensure proper relationship is developed, nurtured and Our company's scientific credibility is advanced with established and emerging external experts (EEs) in the therapeutic area of headache and migraine. This position is based in Tokyo and will report to the MSL Manager, Parkinson’s Disease. Key Responsibilities: • Lead the development and maintenance of key scientific evidence and knowledge on Our products for credible dissemination to external experts and healthcare professionals in the treatment of Parkinson’s Disease. • Lead the identification of properly qualified external experts to engage with as determined by the medical functional plan as well as in collaborative efforts such as Advisory Board meetings, medical educational programs, congress symposia and potential research collaborations. • Lead the scientific support to and relationships with targeted external experts including key academic societies are maintained by delivering on time credible scientific information through individual or in group interactions. • Ensure infield activities are executed with high integrity and in accordance with the medical functional plan, insights collected through scientific engagement with targeted external experts are summarized, shared as needed with the Brand Team members and other internal stakeholders including Area/Global Medical team and integrated to support the development and further update of medical functional plan. • Work with local Medical Information as appropriate to ensure responses to the unsolicited scientific requests including off-label information on our medicines are accurate, up to date, reviewed and approved by local relevant internal and external procedures. • Act as the point of contact with thought leaders to connect their request for support on investigator-initiated study (IIS) related to our products and/or pipeline assets to area/global medical team’s review and further support whenever appropriate. • Adherence to all applicable local and international laws and regulations, guidelines, codes of conduct, our standards, policies and procedures. • Attend Parkinson’s Disease related local and international scientific meetings and/or conferences and ensure summaries of key data are developed and further shared among the brand team members. • For countries involved in the 1-7-5 early touchpoint process: ensure scientific insights on the current clinical practices are provided on a timely manner into the future clinical development program for our’s pipeline assets. • Pursue as committed the one team cross-functional in-field collaboration with commercial teams and other internal stakeholders as needed to achieve the Brand Team business objectives • Upon request, lead the proper support to prescribers with requests for access to our medicines on a named patient or compassionate use basis (subject to all applicable legal and regulatory requirements). • Ensure all mandatory trainings are attended and properly documented. |
労働条件 |
契約期間:期間の定めなし(定年60歳) 試⽤期間:あり(入社日から3ヶ月間。但し、必要により、3ヶ月を限度とし延長することがある。) 就業時間:8:45〜17:30(休憩1時間) ※フレックスタイム制(コアタイムなし) 休⽇:⼟⽇、祝⽇、年末年始(12月30日~1月4日)、会社が指定する休日【※年間休日126日】 残業:あり 社会保険:健康保険、厚⽣年⾦、労災保険、雇⽤保険 |
応募資格 |
【必須(MUST)】 Education/Experience Required:• Undergraduate degree in medical science or pharmacology is a MUST and advanced degree (e.g.: MD, PharmD, PhD or MSc) in relevant scientific discipline is preferred. • Solid knowledge of the pharmaceutical environment and the role of Medical Affairs to advance the medical and scientific objectives. • Professional experience in neuroscience field as MSL, CRA or in a similar field-based R&D role of at least 3 years is a MUST. Key in-Field Team (IFT) Competencies: • Ability to comprehensively learn new subject areas and environments and keen interest in developing and maintaining expert knowledge for assigned therapeutic area/product and medical research in general. • Ability to coordinate scientific/medical engagement efforts across stakeholders within a single account in order to develop interaction plans that are in-line with the Scientific Interaction Plan (SIP) to achieve medical objectives. • Ability to understand the unmet needs of key stakeholders, make decisions that have an impact and execute the integration and assimilation of that information into the In-field Team (IFT) engagement approach. • Effectively communicate, collaborate and incorporate the views of other in-field team members to optimize business objectives. • Collaborate effectively with Clinical Development in-field teams for acceleration of patient enrollment in clinical studies designated as “enterprise critical” through scientific engagement with Principal Investigators. Essential Skills & Abilities: • Proficient with Microsoft Office Suite (Outlook, PowerPoint, Excel, Word, etc.) • Must be at ease with technology (the use of various tools/systems to perform day-to-day tasks). • Excellent written and spoken communication as well as presentation skills in Japanese, with a demonstrated ability to develop and maintain strong collaborative relationships with thought leaders, physicians and other healthcare decision makers. • High proficiency in English reading, writing and speaking skills highly preferred (Versant Score: >43) • Drive results through high customer orientated mindset. • This function is typically field based with up to 20% of an individual’s working time spent in the office and remaining 80% in the field. ・製薬業界において、臨床開発、安全性、研究等の部門において3年以上の実務経験を有する ・MSL経験者優先(5年以上の経験が望ましい) ・理系学部の卒業者(修士または博士号取得者が望ましい) ・ビジネスレベルの英語力(読み書き) 【歓迎(WANT)】 ・神経領域経験・英語スピーキング(Globalとのコミュニケーション) マインド:患者さんのニーズの理解、リーダーシップの発揮、倫理的行動の徹底、組織全体としての目標達成、状況に応じた適切かつ迅速な意思決定 知識:担当領域の医学的・科学的知識、ビジネスレベルの英語(会話、読み書き)、製薬業界の法規・法令、コンプライアンス スキル:プロジェクトマネージメントスキル、社内外におけるコミュニケーションスキル、プレゼンテーションスキル、論理的かつ戦略的思考 |
アピールポイント | フレックスタイム |
リモートワーク | 可 「可」と表示されている場合でも、「在宅に限る」「一定期間のみ」など、条件は求人によって異なります |
受動喫煙対策 | 屋内禁煙 |
更新日 | 2025/02/04 |
求人番号 | 4262508 |

- アッヴィ合同会社
- 会社規模501-5000人
- その他
【代表者】ティアゴ・カンポス ロドリゲス