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  4.  > Business Development Manager to expand global Pilates brands to India and APAC



Business Development Manager to expand global Pilates brands to India and APAC

年収:800万 ~ 1000万





  • 東京都

    • 資本金50百万円
    • 会社規模非公開
  • その他
  • その他
  • 病院・クリニック
  • 教育
部署・役職名 Business Development Manager to expand global Pilates brands to India and APAC
仕事内容 [Recruitment background]
Our company is the largest Pilates studio operator in Japan, with various partnerships with Pilates educational organizations around the world.
The global Pilates market is booming. Among them, China, South Korea, and other Asian countries are expanding the fastest.
17 years ago, we introduced to Japan the most advanced Pilates from the US and are the first in Asia to commercialize Pilates. We are now expanding in Asia with the world brand Pilates and our know-how for commercialization.
For China, we have attracted over 260 students to teacher development courses at 850,000 yen/person in the first 12 mths, despite the courses being only online due to COVID. Currently, we have increased the number of local partners to over 20, expanded the organizational structure of the head office China business to 7 pax, and are planning to increase sales by 5 times this fiscal year. Within five years, we target to have 200 partners and 20 employees, and expand sales by 30 times.

[Job description]
-Develop business partners in India using online and other means to expand the market. (target to expand recognition of our brand in India, build network with the local community, etc.)
-Set up to conduct dozens of local courses annually. You will be responsible for all aspects of operational management (including but not limited to; coordination with instructors, collaboration with partners and internal departments, arrangement of studio venue, control of tuition fee payments, etc.)
* Details to be discussed at the interview with the CEO.

[About the company]
~Be One With Yourself~
Based on our corporate philosophy of "Increasing the number of people who are living in the truest sense of the word and who lead an enriched life",
・'Yoga and Pilates studio business' enriching people with mindful movement
・'Academy business' to learn more deeply about the body and mind
・'Home-visit nursing/rehabilitation day service business' that supports leading an enriched life
・'Well-being clinic business' that provides preventive medicine and treatment using healthcare tech such as Fitbit and Apple Watch
・ 'Mental health business' that provides online medical treatment
・ 'Back pain improvement application business' developed with orthopedic doctors and physical therapists
・ 'Online distribution business' corresponding to the new lifestyle announced by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare
We are striving every day to enrich the society and solve social issues by providing the above services.

第一弾の中国はコロナ下でオンラインでの教育のみのスタートにもかかわらず、たった1年で生徒260人 顧客単価85万円を集客しています。現在、20社まで中国現地のパートナーを増やし、12カ月で本社中国事業は7名増員の組織体制に拡大して、さらに売り上げ規模で5倍の拡大を今期計画しています。5年以内にパートナー200人、社員20人体制で、売上規模で30倍まで拡大していく計画です。

労働条件 Notified through the interview process.


・Business experience in India and Asia or extensive knowledge of India
・Experience in business outside of Japan
・Native or Business level English
・Native or Business level Japanese


・B to B sales experience
・Interest in Mindfulness, Yoga, Pilates etc.

・Do you want to build a big business from scrach ?
・Do you want to change the world by enriching lives ?
then this job is for you !
アピールポイント 女性管理職実績あり 2年連続売り上げ10%以上UP 産休・育休取得実績あり ストックオプション制度あり 教育・研修制度充実 資格支援制度充実 新規事業 海外事業 管理職・マネージャー 完全土日休み 月平均残業時間20時間以内



更新日 2023/04/10
求人番号 2534642


  • 株式会社ZEN PLACE
  • 東京都

    • 資本金50百万円
    • 会社規模非公開
  • その他
  • その他
  • 病院・クリニック
  • 教育
  • 会社概要

    【代表者】尾崎 成彦

    ■zen place pilates&スタジオ運営
    ■zen place yoga&スタジオ運営
    ■zen place 訪問看護・リハビリ特化型デイサービス

    〜Be One With Yourself〜
    Since 2004 - zen placeはピラティス・ヨガ界のリーディングカンパニーとして、BASIピラティス、BalancedBody®、YogaWorks®、ビクラムヨガなど、ピラティス・ヨガの世界Top企業・団体との提携を通して、18年間世界レベルのピラティス・ヨガを提供し続けてまいりました。
    zen placeのピラティス・ヨガは、最先端テクノロジーやサイエンス、研究結果をも学び続けたピラティス・ヨガです。

